Functional Analysis

Notes while learning about functional analysis.

Metric Spaces: It is defined as the space which has a set of points, say X, and a distance function, d, where the distance function obeys three rules:

ε-ball: Also denoted by Bε(x), are defined as {y ∈ X | d(x, y) < ε}.

Open sets: If A is a set, and AX, it is open if every point inside Bε(x) belongs to it (for all x ∈ A).

Boundary Points: If any Bε(x) has points outside of A, no matter how small the ε value, it is the boundary piont of the set A. Here x ∈ X. Than Bε(x) is said to have points from both A and it’s compliment Ac. All the boundary points of A are denoted as ∂A.

Closed Sets: A set, A, is defined to be closed, if it’s compliment is open.

Closure: The smallest closed set, is simply, A∂A. Remember :

In the example, where X = (1, 3] ∪ (4, ∞), the set A = (1, 3] is both open AND closed. (Since Ac is also open, by definition, A is closed).

Convergence: A sequence is defined as a set of points arranged in increasing order, such as x1 < x2 < x3 … xn, also denoted by {xi}. A sequence is said to be convergent when, in the limit, it approaches a single value, for example, a sequence, {a}Ni converges to a single value à. Given a metric space (X, d), we can define the ε-ball, Bε(x̃), for x ∈ X, such that,

which means that for any convergent sequence, the ε-ball around it contains all the sequence points (as the ε increases, it engulfs more points from the sequence hence for every ε > 0, every point in sequence is covered).

Proposition: A characterstic of a closed set is: any limit of a convergent sequence is inside the closed set itself.

Proof (by contraposition)

  • Let the sequence be {an} and the limit be ã. Let’s assume that A is not closed.
  • It implies that the compliment of A, Ac is not open either.
  • If ã ∈ Ac, then there exists at least one such point in Bε(ã) that overlaps with A, which means, Bε(ã) ∩ A ≠ ∅.
  • Which means that there is a sub-sequence, {an}, which lies in A, but it’s limit does not (since ã ∈ Ac).
  • Hence limn->∞ an = ã ∉ A.

Cauchy Sequence: A sequence which is defined by as

Complete Metric Space : A metric space is said to be complete when all of it’s Cauchy sequences converge. This simply means that for a complete metric space, Cauchy sequnces = Convergent sequences.

Norm : Let X be a 𝔽-vector space. (Where 𝔽 = {ℝ, ℂ}). The norm, denoted by ||.|| is a map that transforms a vector to [0, ∞). The norm fulfils the three properties of the distance function as well.

Hence the space defined by (X, ||.||) is called a normed space. A normed space is a special case of a metric space (by taking the end points of a vector, it can be seen as the distance between those two points, hence the distance function of a metric space, d||.||).

Banach Space : If a given metric space with a possible norm, (X, d||.||) is also a complete one, then the underlying norm space, (X, ||.||) is called the banach space. All the properties of a metric space apply as well. The norm function is what ties the real-complex vector space and a complete metric space, hence also defining a possible Banach space.

lP (ℕ,𝔽): It is defined as a collection of all the sequences in 𝔽, which follow the condition: ∑n=1∞|x|p < ∞. Here x = {xn}, which is a sequence in 𝔽. lP becomes a vector space if the summation condition is ignored. We define a norm over such vector space, ||.||p : lP -> [0, ∞). The norm is given by the formula, (∑n=1∞|x|p)1/P, again, x is a sequence.

Assumption: lP is a 𝔽-vector space, and ||.||p is a norm on it.
Proof: (lP, ||.||p) is a banach space.

Let {x(k)} be a cauchy sequence in lP. Since we are considering sequences of sequences,
x(1) = (x(1)1, x(1)2, x(1)3, x(1)4, x(1)5, …)
x(2) = (x(2)1, x(2)2, x(2)3, x(2)4, x(2)5, …)
x(3) = (x(3)1, x(3)2, x(3)3, x(3)4, x(3)5, …)
x(4) = (x(4)1, x(4)2, x(4)3, x(4)4, x(4)5, …)
x(5) = (x(5)1, x(5)2, x(5)3, x(5)4, x(5)5, …)
. = (., ., ., ., ., …)
. = (., ., ., ., ., …)
. = (., ., ., ., ., …)

The goal here is to prove that the sequence on the left-hand side, x(k), has a limit, which is also in lP
We start by picking a random column, say the 4th column, call it : x(k)4. This particular sequence is, by itself, a banach space (since it is single valued space with a norm over it, ||.||p).
The normed distance between elements in this sequence will be: |x(k)4 - x(l)4|P.
These normed distance would be lesser than the combined such distance of all columns: ∑∞n=1|x(k)n - x(l)n| P
Hence it follows that: |x(k)4 - x(l)4|P < ∑∞n=1|x(k)n - x(l)nP = ||x(k) - x(l)||Pp < ε.
But, since the latter is a Cauchy sequence, the former, that is the indivisual columns, are all also a Cauchy sequence. Since these columns are a Cauchy sequence AND belong to a banach space, they have a limit as well. Let’s call the limit, x’(k).
Hence, each column has a limit. We can collect every columns limit into a sequence: x’ = (x’1, x’2, x’3, x’4, x’5, …)
Now, we have to show that our original Cauchy sequence, x(k) approaches it’s limit, x’ (which means it’s indeed a convergent sequence), or |x(k) - x’| < ε.
We start by pulling out the infinity through taking the limit, essentially restricting the columns to N.
limn->∞ |x(k)n - x’n|P.
Now, we also have a second infinite sequence, in x’. We pull that out as well:
liml->∞ limn->∞ |x(k)n - x(l)n|P.
Now, the inner normed distance should look familiar: we know that the indivisual columns can be bounded by any arbirtary upper bound, which we can select. Let it be ε’.
Since, |x(k)n - x(l)n|P < (ε’)P.
|x(k)n - x(l)n| < ε’.
Hence we simply take the limit now: |x(k) - x’| < ε’, and set ε’ = ε/2.
Hence we have proved that any sequence {x(k)} converges to a limit, x’ within some arbitary ε. This means that all Cauchy sequences are convergent, hence the (lP, ||.||p) is a banach space.

(Every statement about Cauchy sequence and it’s upper-bound being ε, is true after some kth index, where k > 0.)

Inner Product measures the distance, length and the angle between two vectors in 𝔽-vector space. It is denoted by . It follows that:

Hilbert Space. If (X, ||.||p) is a banach space, than (X, <., .>) is considered to be a Hilbert space, that is a space which has an inner product that measures distance, length and angle while also being complete metric space.